title = "Effects of crop rotation on potato production in the temperate zones.",
abstract = "In this congress report a review of the effects of short crop rotations on potato production in Europe and North America, and information about a range of issues such as pests and diseases, nutritional imbalances, competition from weeds and soil structure deterioration is given",
keywords = "cultuurmethoden, gewasbescherming, aardappelen, rotaties, solanum tuberosum, gematigde klimaatzones, teeltsystemen, cultural methods, plant protection, potatoes, rotations, solanum tuberosum, temperate zones, cropping systems",
editor = "J. Vos and {van Loon}, C.D. and G.J. Bollen",
year = "1989",
language = "English",
isbn = "9780792304951",
publisher = "Kluwer",
number = "vol. 40",
address = "Netherlands",