Effects of crop rotation on potato production in the temperate zones.

J. Vos (Editor), C.D. van Loon (Editor), G.J. Bollen (Editor)

Research output: Book/ReportBook editingAcademic


In this congress report a review of the effects of short crop rotations on potato production in Europe and North America, and information about a range of issues such as pests and diseases, nutritional imbalances, competition from weeds and soil structure deterioration is given
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationDordrecht [etc.]
Number of pages310
ISBN (Print)9780792304951
Publication statusPublished - 1989

Publication series

No.vol. 40


  • cultural methods
  • plant protection
  • potatoes
  • rotations
  • solanum tuberosum
  • temperate zones
  • cropping systems


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