Effect van onbehandelde achterste tenen van vleeskuikenouderdieren hanen op de hennen

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


This report presents the results of an on-farm study with 15 farms (10 farms with Ross 308 breeders and 5 farms with Hubbard JA57 breeders) in which farmers participated with at least one breeder house with males with untreated hind toes. This study was carried out by Wageningen Livestock Research on behalf of and financed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality and AVINED. This on-farm study showed that keeping males with untreated toes, without additional measures such as changes in e.g. housing or management, in both Ross 308 and Hubbard JA57 parent stock is not possible without adverse consequences for the feathering, mortality and welfare of the breeders.
Original languageDutch
Place of PublicationWageningen
PublisherWageningen Livestock Research
Number of pages31
Publication statusPublished - 2024

Publication series

NameRapport / Wageningen Livestock Research

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