Effect of training and methodology development on the effectiveness of discussion groups on grassland innovation

Giovanni Peratoner, C. Florian, Franziska Mairhofer, F. Baste-Sauvaire, F. Bogue, A. Carlsson, A. Czerwinska, A. van den Pol

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingAbstract

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationImproving sown grasslands through breeding and management
Subtitle of host publicationProceedings of the Joint 20th Symposium of the European Grassland Federation and the 33rd Meeting of the EUCARPIA Section ‘Fodder Crops and Amenity Grasses’, Zürich, Switzerland 24-27 June 2019
EditorsO. Huguenin-Elie, B. Studer, R. Kölliker, D. Reheul, M. Probo, P. Barre, U. Feuerstein, I. Roldán-Ruiz, P. Mariotte, A. Hopkins
ISBN (Electronic)9783033072794
ISBN (Print)9783033072787
Publication statusPublished - 2019

Publication series

NameGrassland Science in Europe

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