Effect of skimmed milk and vegetable powders on shelf stability of millet-based composite flour

Gerald Tumwine, Abel Atukwase*, Gaston A. Tumuhimbise, Francis Tucungwirbe, A.R. Linnemann

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4 Citations (Scopus)


BACKGROUND: Millet porridge is a major complementary food used in Uganda but it is limited in protein and micronutrientssuch as zinc and beta-carotene. Addition of milk and vegetable powders are known to greatly improve the nutrient content ofmillet flour. However, there was limited information on the shelf stability of the resultant composite flour. This study aimed atassessing the effect of milk and vegetable powders on the shelf stability ofmillet-based composite flour.RESULTS: There was a general increase in the moisture content, peroxide value (PV), free fatty acids (FFA), thiobaturic acid(TBA) and total plate count (TPC) of both composite and millet flours over the eightweeks storage period. However, highermoisture content, PV, FFA, TBA and TPC values were recorded in the composite flour compared to millet flour (control) at eachsampling interval. Sensory evaluation results revealed that panelists preferred porridges prepared from millet only comparedto those fromcomposite flour. The degree of liking of porridges fromboth composite andmillet flours generally decreased overthe storage period.However,bothporridgesweredeemedas acceptableby the endof the storage period. The TPC also remainedbelow 105 cfu g−1 which is the maximum limit recommended by the Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS).CONCLUSION: The study findings indicated that the addition of milk and vegetable powders negatively affected the stabilityof the composite flour.We recommend further studies to stabilize the product during storage.© 2018 The Authors. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society ofChemical Industry.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2030-2036
JournalJournal of the Science of Food and Agriculture
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 15 Mar 2019


  • free fatty acids
  • peroxide value
  • porridge
  • sensory analysis


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