Effect of bioflocs on seafood quality

D. Hermsen, S.A.J. Declerck, M.C.J. Verdegem

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingAbstract


In a "nutritious pond" system, the incorporation of natural food elements into shrimp biomass may increase. This mesocosm study compared a Control diet containing fish oil and fishmeal, and a diet without these (low-H treatment). After 57 days, 12% of the feed input was metabolized into shrimp biomass, which did not differ between treatments. Control shrimp's, and total food web, HUFA content in the control tanks was twice as high than low-H. HUFA retention in the control was over ten-fold higher than Low-H tanks, pinpointing in situ de novo production of EPA, DHA and ARA. Among six food web compartments, the highest HUFA accumulation was observed in seston. Whether Low-H shrimp experienced a HUFA-deficient environment is not confirmed. Based on above, reducing fish oil and fishmeal in shrimp diets seems possible, but depends on the potential to canalize HUFA-containing algae in the seston into better accessible food web compartments.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationBook of abstracts of the 12th Asian Fisheries & Aquaculture Forum (AFAF)
Subtitle of host publicationTransforming Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture for Sustainable Production and Nutrition
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 12 Apr 2019
Event12th Asian Fisheries & Aquaculture Forum (AFAF): Transforming Asian Fisheries and Aquaculture for Sustainable Production and Nutrition - Iloilo Convention Center, Iloilo, Philippines
Duration: 8 Apr 201912 Apr 2019


Conference/symposium12th Asian Fisheries & Aquaculture Forum (AFAF)
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