Ecotourism in Lawachara National Park in Bangladesh: Perceptions of Local People and Co-management Officials

B.H.M. Elands, W. Islam, V.R. van der Duim

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


Tourism is one of the fastest growing industries of the world. Tourism in India is expanding faster and generates colossal foreign exchange. The tourism industry employs a large number of people, both skilled and unskilled. The tourism industry promotes national integration and international understanding. Further it industry also promotes the traditional handicrafts sector which provides livelihood security to millions of people. By visiting India, a foreign tourist gets an insight into the rich and diverse and pluralistic cultural heritage of India.The diverse climatic conditions too have made it possible for the tourists to visit our country around the year. There are a number of beautiful tourist spots in India which attract not only people across the country but also around the world. To promote our magnificent tourist centers in International market and to strengthen infrastructural facilities, the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India has strategically started and launched various Innovative promotional campaigns and schemes in order to popularize to make more attractive the Indian tourists destination to the overseas. All the present ongoing promotional campaigns and schemes have been showcasing fruitful results towards the overall growth and development of Indian Tourism.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)5-20
JournalSouth Asian Journal of Tourism and Heritage
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2015


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