Economische effecten van een aanlandplicht voor de Nederlandse visserij

F.C. Buisman, J.A.E. van Oostenbrugge, R. Beukers

    Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


    The total net costs of the introduction of a landing obligation for the Dutch fishing fleet are estimated to amount to between 6 and 28 million euros, depending on the way in which the quotas are modified and the prices of the by-catches to be landed. In this regard, it is assumed that the catch composition and all fishing activities will be the same as in the baseline year (2011). This study therefore says nothing about how fishermen could modify their fishing activities in order to reduce the costs of the landing obligation, and what the effects of such a modification would be. In the event that the catch quotas remain the same as the current quotas plus discards (scenario 1), the costs of the landing obligation for the entire Dutch offshore fishing fleet would amount to between 6 and 14 million euros. By far the largest share of these costs would be borne by the cutter sector. The additional revenues from the landed by-catches are greatly dependent on the prices at which they can be sold, and do not compensate for the extra costs incurred in order to land the by-catches. The additional costs for full monitoring of all fishing trips by means of cameras would amount to approximately 6 million euros. The costs of observers on all trips would amount to approximately 18 million euros. The costs of enforcement may work out lower if less than 100% of the ships and trips are checked.
    Original languageDutch
    Place of PublicationDen Haag
    Number of pages48
    ISBN (Print)9789086156573
    Publication statusPublished - 2013

    Publication series

    PublisherLEI Wageningen UR


    • fisheries
    • fishery policy
    • economics
    • cost benefit analysis
    • bycatch
    • marketing
    • discards
    • fish meal
    • fish processing
    • fish industry
    • netherlands

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