title = "Economic valuation of forests and nature : a support tool for effective decision making",
abstract = "Included are several case studies, like: The Leuser ecosystem, Sumatra; The Borivili National Park, India; Tropical rain forests, Costa Rica; Mangrove forests, Philippines. This document has been prepared by: IAC and EC-LNV",
keywords = "bossen, natuurbescherming, taxatie, bosbouweconomie, besluitvorming, kosten-batenanalyse, tropen, natuur, forests, nature conservation, valuation, forest economics, decision making, cost benefit analysis, tropics, nature",
author = "H. Lette and {de Boo}, H.",
year = "2002",
language = "English",
series = "Theme studies series / Forests, forestry and biodiversity support group",
publisher = "International Agricultural Centre [etc.]",
number = "6",