Dynamic modelling of inter-organisational information management systems and relationships in food chains

C.E. Storer, G.N. Soutar, J.H. Trienekens, A.J.M. Beulens, M.A. Quaddus

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

4 Citations (Scopus)


It is agreed that good communication systems between organisations increase customer satisfaction and relationship behaviour. However, less is known about the details of how information is used to manage relationships. Theories that have been found have either been tested on non-perishable goods or on small case studies. In earlier stages of the research, a dynamic model of inter-organisational information management systems (IOIMS) and relationships was developed based on a netchain case study. This paper presents an evaluation of this model based on a survey of Australian food processors and a green life industry case study. Both studies found that the environment (power, dependency and market uncertainty) had a significant influence on (attitudinal) commitment to develop long-term customer/supplier relationships. In addition, the nature of the IOIMS was associated with perceived current outcomes (satisfaction with performance, perceived responsiveness and strength of relationship trust). However, commitment to develop long-term customer supplier relationships was not significantly associated with the IOIMS. Conclusions were more doubtful about the association between the business environment and the IOIMS and perceived current outcomes. Suggestions for future research are made.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)55-71
Number of pages71
JournalJournal on Chain and Network Science
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2004


  • Buyer & seller relationships
  • Inter-organisational information management systems
  • IOS
  • Partial least squares
  • Theory testing


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