Duurzaam water in de glastuinbouw : WP1 alternatieve waterbronnen in en om de kas

A.A. van der Maas, A. van Winkel, C. Blok, E.A.M. Beerling

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


Good irrigation water is in Dutch horticulture essential for optimal crop growth and the reduction of the emission of fertilizers and pesticides. The most important source of water is rain water, but additional water sources are necessary in order to ensure the water supply. This study examined the prospects of (new) alternative water sources at the company level. There is specifically looked at the odds of CHP condensate collected in a combined heat and power (CHP) with a flue gas condenser. Dissolved heavy metals may pose a problem. Efficient use of available water resources is an important first step in the water supply. This can be achieved by a well-dimensioned water system and proper management. An adequate strategy to keep the nutrient solution in balance prevents discharge of water. On company measurements were performed on CHP-condensing water and laboratory experiments have been conducted with different types of steel and coated steel. The low discharge standards can hardly be met in practice. The measured concentrations of heavy metals did not lead to crop damage. Metal coating reduces the water pollution by heavy metals. The knowledge acquired is insufficient for concrete technical advices. Recommendation to the sector and the water boards to schedule the problem of the discharge of heavy metals for discussion
Original languageDutch
PublisherWageningen UR Glastuinbouw
Number of pages40
Publication statusPublished - 2015

Publication series

NameRapport GTB
PublisherWageningen UR Glastuinbouw


  • greenhouse horticulture
  • water systems
  • water supply
  • water harvesting
  • cogeneration
  • condenser water
  • alternative methods
  • water reuse
  • water framework directive

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