title = "Dutch-Indonesian programme on Food Security in the livestock sector (DIFS-live): poultry meat: Results of the poultry meat programme 2014-2018; main report",
abstract = "In this report, the design and results of the poultry meat program in the Dutch Indonesian Food Safety Program (DIFSlive) are presented. The program consisted of a consumer campaign to promote trade in and consumption of chilled poultry meat, scenario studies into the development of poultry meat production, improvements in small-scale slaughtering and cooling of poultry and improvements in broiler farming.",
keywords = "animal welfare, animal production, poultry, broilers, animal housing, dierenwelzijn, dierlijke productie, pluimvee, vleeskuikens, huisvesting, dieren",
author = "{van Horne}, Peter and {van Emous}, Rick and Frank Joosten and Gemma Tacken and Ferry Leenstra",
year = "2020",
month = jun,
doi = "10.18174/525324",
language = "English",
series = "Rapport / Wageningen Livestock Research",
publisher = "Wageningen Livestock Research",
number = "1259",
address = "Netherlands",