Durable resistance against Meloidogyne chitwoodi and M. fallax (EU-DREAM)

F.C. Zoon, J. Bakker, W. Golinowski, R. Janssen, D. Mugniéry, M.S. Phillips, M. Schlathölter, J.G. van Beek, L. van Kruijssen

Research output: Contribution to journalAbstractAcademic


The EU-funded project QLRT-1999-1462 DREAM (Durable Resistance Against Meloidogyne) aims to contribute to sustainable production systems by developing a strategy for durable resistance management for these soilborne pests. This study focuses on the two polyphagous quarantine-organismsMeloidogyne chitwoodi and M. fallax, which are an important economic threat and for which no adequate durable alternative exists. The objective will be achieved by integrating expertise in breeding, nematology, botany and molecular biology into one project, novel by its European dimension. The project combines three areas of research: i) identification and incorporation of resistance in important arable crops: potato, pepper, ryegrass and fodder radish, ii) study of variation in nematode virulence and of durability of the resistance, and iii) optimising of production systems by rotation schemes. The main results expected are: resistant germplasm, well characterised pathogen collections, reliable selection and breeding methods, knowledge on the stability of resistance, molecular markers linked to resistance and (a)virulence, knowledge on resistance mechanisms and genes, genetic maps, and advice about improved rotation schemes. More information and first results can be found at www.eu-dream.nl
Original languageEnglish
Article number335
Pages (from-to)240-241
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2002


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