Dry sandy levee grasslands in the Netherlands and an intended syntaxonomic European overview

K.V. Sykora, S.L.F. Rotthier, J.H.J. Schaminee

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingAbstract


Along rivers sand is deposited and sandy levees develop. In the Netherlands two grassland associations are distinguished that are characteristic of dry, relatively nutrient poor, calcium containing, sandy levees, the Medicagini-Avenetum pubescentis De Leeuw in Braun Blanquet et Moor 1938, Sedo-Thymetum pulegioides Doing ex Weeda, Doing et Schamine and Festuco-Thymetum serpylii Tuxen 1937. Their syntaxonomic position is still partly disputed (Sedo-Cerastion, Meso-Bromion, Plantagini-Festucion). According to our historical research, nowadays the quality of these grasslands changed and they strongly declined (surface decrease more than 90% in last decades) and are rare and threatened. In the habitat directives dry fluviatile grasslands are designated as habitat types with priority. In 2010 we started a research into the ecological amplitude of fluviatile grassland communities and their characteristic species and the influence of sand deposition. In this presentation we will report about a plan to compare the site conditions in the Netherlands with those in some other countries like Latvia, Lithuania and Germany. Besides we plan a project to study the syntaxonomic position of the sandy levee communities in the Netherlands in comparison with the syntaxonomy of comparable grasslands in other European countries. Species like Artemisia campestris, Thalictrum minus, Veronica prostrata, Veronica austriaca ssp. teucrium, Thymus serpyllum, T. pulegioides, Sedum sexangulare, S. reflexum, S. album, Salvia pratensis, Potentilla verna, Plantago media, Medicago falcata, Herniaria glabra, Galium verum, Euphorbia cyparissias, E, seguieriana, Eryngium campestre, Dianthus deltoids, Cynodon dactylon, Cerastium arvense, Carex caryophyllea, Pimpinella saxifraga, Sanguisorba minor, Koeleria macrantha, Helictotrichon pubescens, Trifolium striatum and Orobanche lutea were used for relevé selection. Thanks to the kind cooperation of several countries and colleagues our database is growing and already contains or will contain relevés from Belgium, Germany, France, Great Britain, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Austria, The Netherlands, Slovakia, the Czech republic and the Volga region
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication20th International Workshop of the European Vegetation Survey, A century of phytosociology & 20 years of the new spirit in phytosociology, Rome, Italy, 6 - 9 April, 2011
Publication statusPublished - 2011
Event20th International Workshop of the European Vegetation Survey, A century of phytosociology & 20 years of the new spirit in phytosociology, Rome, Italy -
Duration: 6 Apr 20119 Apr 2011


Workshop20th International Workshop of the European Vegetation Survey, A century of phytosociology & 20 years of the new spirit in phytosociology, Rome, Italy


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