Domesticated equines have fundamental differences in faecal microbial concentrations

J.E. Edwards, Paul van den Berg, F. Burden, D.A. van Doorn, W.F. Pellikaan, J. Dijkstra, H. Everts, H. Smidt

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterAcademic


Nutritional studies have shown that horses and donkeys differ, with donkeys having a higher dry matter digestibility (DMD) of dietary material and a longer gut retention time of dietary particles1,2. As analysis of the equine gut microbiome to date has primarily focussed on horses3, however, it is unclear to what extent these differences are mediated by differences in the physiology and/or hindgut microbiota of these domesticated equines (Figure 1). A preliminary study was therefore conducted in order to assess the faecal concentrations of bacteria, archaea and anaerobic fungi in horses, donkeys and hybrids (mules & hinnies) .
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2017
Event8th European Equine Health & Nutrition Congress (2017)
: From Nutrition to Disease and Back
- Antwerp, Belgium
Duration: 23 Mar 201724 Mar 2017
Conference number: 8


Conference/symposium8th European Equine Health & Nutrition Congress (2017)
Abbreviated titleEEHNC


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