Diaporthe diversity and pathogenicity revealed from a broad survey of grapevine diseases in europe

V. Guarnaccia*, J.Z. Groenewald, J. Woodhall, J. Armengol, T. Cinelli, A. Eichmeier, D. Ezra, F. Fontaine, D. Gramaje, A. Gutierrez-Aguirregabiria, J. Kaliterna, L. Kiss, P. Larignon, J. Luque, L. Mugnai, V. Naor, R. Raposo, E. Sándor, K.Z. Váczy, P.W. Crous

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145 Citations (Scopus)


Species of Diaporthe are considered important plant pathogens, saprobes, and endophytes on a wide range of plant hosts. Several species are well-known on grapevines, either as agents of pre-or post-harvest infections, including Phomopsis cane and leaf spot, cane bleaching, swelling arm and trunk cankers. In this study we explore the occurrence, diversity and pathogenicity of Diaporthe spp. associated with Vitis vinifera in major grape production areas of Europe and Israel, focusing on nurseries and vineyards. Surveys were conducted in Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Spain and the UK. A total of 175 Diaporthe strains were isolated from asymptomatic and symptomatic shoots, branches and trunks. A multi-locus phylogeny was established based on five genomic loci (ITS, tef1, cal, his3 and tub2), and the morphological characters of the isolates were determined. Preliminary pathogenicity tests were performed on green grapevine shoots with representative isolates. The most commonly isolated species were D. eres and D. ampelina. Four new Diaporthe species described here as D. bohemiae, D. celeris, D. hispaniae and D. hungariae were found associated with affected vines. Pathogenicity tests revealed D. baccae, D. celeris, D. hispaniae and D. hungariae as pathogens of grapevines. No symptoms were caused by D. bohemiae. This study represents the first report of D. ambigua and D. baccae on grapevines in Europe. The present study improves our understanding of the species associated with several disease symptoms on V. vinifera plants, and provides useful information for effective disease management.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)135-153
Number of pages19
JournalPersoonia: Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi
Publication statusPublished - 19 Feb 2018


  • Canker
  • Multi-locus sequence typing
  • Pathogenicity
  • Vitis


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