Development of countermeasure strategies involving stakeholders: Stakeholder involvement through national panels and surveys to address the issues and uncertainties arising in the preparedness and management of the transition phase

M. Montero*, R. Sala, C. Trueba, B. García-Puerta, B. Abelshausen, J. Bohunova, P. Croüail, V. Durand, T. Duranova, C. Hilliard, M. Maitre, D. Mitrakos, O. Monteiro Gil, P. Nunes, I. Paiva, M. Reis, T. Schneider, L. Skuterud, V. Smith, V. TafiliH. Thørring, C. Turcanu, C. Twenhöfel, E. Van Asselt

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

7 Citations (Scopus)


Under the framework of the CONFIDENCE project, work package 4 was focusing on the transition to long-term recovery, involving stakeholders in decision-making processes. The essential research was performed using a participatory approach, which combined scenario-based stakeholder discussion panels and transnational stakeholder surveys following the Delphi methodology. The objective was to identify and address the issues and uncertainties arising in the preparedness and management of the transition phase and to explore ways to facilitate the incorporation of stakeholders' expertise, points of view and interests in the decision-making processes. The final goal was to build best practices for planning optimal remediation strategies during the transition phase considering stakeholder involvement in the decision-making process. The results obtained from the work undertaken in nine European countries are presented.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)S127-S134
Publication statusPublished - May 2020


  • Decision-making
  • Delphi survey
  • Emergency preparedness
  • Recovery
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Transition phase


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