Determination of genetic structure of germplasm collections: are traditional hierarchical clustering methods appropriate for molecular marker data?

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104 Citations (Scopus)


Despite the availability of newer approaches, traditional hierarchical clustering remains very popular in genetic diversity studies in plants. However, little is known about its suitability for molecular marker data. We studied the performance of traditional hierarchical clustering techniques using real and simulated molecular marker data. Our study also compared the performance of traditional hierarchical clustering with model-based clustering (STRUCTURE). We showed that the cophenetic correlation coefficient is directly related to subgroup differentiation and can thus be used as an indicator of the presence of genetically distinct subgroups in germplasm collections. Whereas UPGMA performed well in preserving distances between accessions, Ward excelled in recovering groups. Our results also showed a close similarity between clusters obtained by Ward and by STRUCTURE. Traditional cluster analysis can provide an easy and effective way of determining structure in germplasm collections using molecular marker data, and, the output can be used for sampling core collections or for association studies.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)195-205
JournalTheoretical and Applied Genetics
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2011


  • multilocus genotype data
  • genome-wide association
  • forming core subsets
  • population-structure
  • data set
  • linkage disequilibrium
  • f-statistics
  • number
  • inference
  • diversity


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