Determinants of consumer intention to purchase animal-friendly milk

Sophie de Graaf*, Ellen J. Van Loo, Jo Bijttebier, Filiep Vanhonacker, Ludwig Lauwers, Frank A.M. Tuyttens, Wim Verbeke

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62 Citations (Scopus)


Concern about the welfare of production animals is growing among various stakeholders, including the general public. Citizens can influence the market for premium welfare products by expressing public concerns, and consumers—the actors who actually purchase products—can do so through their purchasing behavior. However, current market shares for premium welfare products are small in Europe. To better align purchase behavior with public and individuals’ concerns, insight is needed into determinants that influence the intention to purchase premium welfare products. A cross-sectional online survey of 787 Flemish milk consumers was conducted to investigate attitudes toward and intention to purchase animal-friendly milk. More than half of the sample (52.5%) expressed the intention to purchase animal-friendly milk. Linear regression modeling indicated that intention was positively influenced by (1) higher perceived product benefits from animal-friendly milk (milk with more health benefits and higher quality); (2) higher personal importance of extrinsic product attributes such as local production and country of origin; (3) higher personal importance of animal welfare; (4) a more natural living oriented attitude toward cows; and (5) a more positive general attitude toward milk. Intention was negatively influenced by (1) a stronger business-oriented attitude toward cows; and (2) by a higher personal importance attached to price. These insights in key components of purchase intention can assist producers, the dairy industry, and retailers to position and market animal-friendly milk.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)8304-8313
Number of pages10
JournalJournal of Dairy Science
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2016
Externally publishedYes


  • animal welfare
  • consumer
  • dairy produce
  • survey


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