Detection of White Spot Syndrome virus (WSSV) in naturally infected Dendronereis spp with immunohistochemistry

H. Desrina, M.C.J. Verdegem, S.B. Prayitno, J.M. Vlak, J.A.J. Verreth

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract


White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV), the causative agent of White Spot Syndrome Disease (WSD), is an important shrimp pathogen in Indonesia. It has been suggested that polychaetes might be one of many vectors of WSSV. Dendronereis spp. is a commonly occurring polychaete in shrimp ponds in Indonesia. The objective of this research was to identify WSSV infected tissue (s) in naturally infected Dendronereis spp. Dendronereis spp. individuals were caught in an extensive shrimp pond in the vicinity of Semarang, Indonesia, and preserved in 96 % ethanol for PCR tests and in Davidson’s preservative for immunohistochemistry (IHC). The collected polychaetes were randomly tested for the presence of WSSV with 1-step PCR using a primer designed for the VP 28 protein of WSSV. Prior to IHC test, paraffin-embedded Dendronereis spp. were tested for WSSV with 1-step and nested PCR. Only individuals that showed infection based on PCR results were subjected to IHC using a monoclonal antibody for VP 28 raised in mice. We were able to detect WSSV in Dendronereis with PCR both in specimens preserved in ethanol and embedded in paraffin blocks. Result of IHC showed that WSSV infected cells were found in the mucosal layer of the gut epithelium (Figure 1). The number of infected cells is very low, but cells with various stages of infection were observed. The result indicates that WSSV replicates in Dendronereis spp making the Dendronereis spp. a carrier and possible disease vector in shrimp culture systems. The latter requires further research.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2011
Event9th. Asian Fisheries Aquaculture Forum, Shanghai, China -
Duration: 21 Apr 201125 Apr 2011


Conference/symposium9th. Asian Fisheries Aquaculture Forum, Shanghai, China


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