Detection of quantitative trait loci on chromosomes 1,2,3,12,14,15, X in pigs: performance characteristics

D.M. Paixao, P.L.S. Carneiro, S.R. Paiva, K.R.S. Sousa, L.L. Verardo, J. Braccini Neto, A.P.G. Pinto, A. Marubayashi Hidalgo, C. Nascimento, I.V. Périssé, P.S. Lopes, S.E.F. Guimaraes

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2 Citations (Scopus)


The accomplishment of the present study had the objective of mapping Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) related to performance traits in a F2 pig population developed by mating two Brazilian Piau breed sires with 18 dams from a commercial line (Landrace × Large White × Pietrain). The linkage map for this population was constructed after genotyping the animals for 35 microsatellite markers. Estimates of polymorphic information content indicated that the microsatellite markers were appropriate for QTL analyses. The genotypes were analyzed by interval mapping using the GridQTL program. A total of six QTL were found, of which the QTL for slaughter age (days) was significant at the 5% genome-wise level. The information of the significant QTL detected in this study is useful for future fine-mapping studies for the identification of genes. Such information can be used together with traditional methods in breeding programs or even for a better understanding of the phenotypes of swine production.
Original languagePortuguese
Pages (from-to)213-220
JournalArquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2013


  • Genome-wise
  • Marker molecular
  • Piau breed
  • Pig

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