Detection and localisation of picorna-like virus particles in tissues of Varroa destructor, an ectoparasite of the honey bee, Apis mellifera

Q. Zhang, J.R. Ongus, W.J. Boot, J. Calis, J.M. Bonmatin, E. Bengsch, D. Peters

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

23 Citations (Scopus)


Virus-like particles, 27 nm in diameter, were observed in extracts of individual Varroa destructor mites and in sections of mite tissue. Application of a purification procedure resulted in virus preparations that were used to prepare an antiserum to detect the virus in individual mites. Immunohistology studies showed that the gastric caecae were heavily infected, whereas no immunostaining could be detected in other mite tissues or organs, like the salivary glands, brain, rectum or reproductive organs. By electron microscopy large aggregates of virus-like particles in para-crystalline lattices were found in cells of the gastric caecae. The particles, reminiscent to picorna-like viruses, occurred mainly in the cytoplasm, whereas some virus particles were sparsely scattered in vacuoles. Occasionally, particles were observed in membrane-bound vesicles or in long tubular membrane structures in the cytoplasm. The accumulation of the picorna-like virus particles in the cytoplasm and the presence of the virus in membrane structures give a strong indication that the virus replicates in the mite.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)97-105
JournalJournal of Invertebrate Pathology
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2007


  • citrus red mite
  • jacobsoni oudemans
  • plant-viruses
  • mosaic-virus
  • curl mite
  • transmission
  • acquisition
  • acari
  • wheat
  • host


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