title = "Desk-study on habitat quality for the European Sturgeon in the Dutch Rhine and southern North Sea",
abstract = "One of the most endangered fish species worldwide is the European sturgeon Acipenser sturio. The River Rhine was home to an important sturgeon population that went locally extinct in the first half of the 20th century. In recent decades, many improvements of the ecological quality of the Rhine have taken place. Because the last remaining wild population of European sturgeon in the Gironde basin is very small and at considerable distance, it appears unlikely that rapid recolonization will take place if the Rhine is suitable again. That is why Stichting ARK, World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the Dutch Anglers Association (Sportvisserij Nederland) have started a trajectory with the eventual reintroduction of the European sturgeon in the Rhine basin as the ultimate goal.",
keywords = "habitats, beoordeling, aquatische ecologie, vissen, steuren, herintroductie van soorten, rijn, habitats, assessment, aquatic ecology, fishes, sturgeons, reintroduction of species, river rhine",
author = "H.V. Winter and L.R. Teal and {van de Wolfshaar}, K.E. and A.B. Griffioen and B. Houben and N.W.P. Breve",
year = "2015",
language = "English",
series = "Report / IMARES Wageningen UR",
publisher = "IMARES",
number = "C044/15",
address = "Netherlands",