Description of Acromoldavicus skrjabini (Nesterov & Lisetskaya, 1965) Nesterov, 1970 from Israel and the Ukraine, and redescription of Kirjanovia discoidea lvanova, 1969 (Cephalobina: Elaphonematidae)

Andrij Susulovsky, S. Bostrom, O.V. Holovachov

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


A population of Acromoldavicus skrjabini collected in "Evolution Canyon", Israel, is described from studies by light and scanning electron microscopy. Specimens of A. skrjabini from the Ukraine are also described. The two populations are compared and contrasted with the original description of A. skrjabini and populations described from Spain, Greece and Iran. Kirjanovia discoidea is redescribed from type material and some characters are added. It possesses many features in common with Acromoldavicus and these genera are provisionally left in the subfamily Kirjanoviinae of the family Elaphonematidae
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)151-163
Number of pages14
JournalJournal of Nematode Morphology and Systematics
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2000


  • Acromoldavicus
  • Kirjanovia
  • morphology
  • nematodes
  • SEM
  • taxonomy


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