Deliverable report D5.5–Road map and EU agroecology strategy

S.A. Wigboldus, J. Hassink, M.B. Goris, A.W. Dawson, Alexander Wezel, Baptiste Grard, Paola Migliorini, Alice Fasso, Natalia Rastorgueva, Ulrich Schmutz, Stefano Canali, Jens Dauber, Henriette Christensen

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


This report describes the way in which AE4EU interacted with various groups of stakeholders and consulted relevant (recent) literature towards the development of a perspective on enhancing opportunities for agroecological transitions in Europe in ways that are complementary to what other relevant initiatives, notably the sister CSA project ALL-Ready and the EU partnership on agroecology, have proposed in relation to the same quest. To develop such complementary perspective, agroecology grassroots and farmer representative organisations were consulted. Also, representatives of partner organisations that are active in the different work packages of AE4EU have engaged in a number of ways to explore ways forward for the practice of agroecology in Europe.
This report connects to developments in relation to the new initiative of the European Network for Agroecological Food systems (ENAF), and it’s intended role in enhancing opportunities for agroecological transformations of farming and food systems in Europe ( ENAF is meant to enhance a collective efficacy of initiatives which have much in common in relation to subscribing to agroecological principles and practices. Though referring to an envisaged role of ENAF, this report describes a broader perspective on enhancing opportunities for agroecological transformations of farming and food systems in Europe
Original languageEnglish
PublisherWageningen University & Research
Number of pages87
Publication statusPublished - 13 Sept 2024


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  • AE4EU: Agroecology for Europe


    Project: EU research project

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