Decision Support Tools and Strategies to Simulate Forest Landscape Evolutions Integrating Forest Owner Behaviour: A Review from the Case Studies of the European Project, INTEGRAL

Christophe Orazio*, Rebeca Montoya, Margot Régolini, José Borges, Jordi Garcia-Gonzalo, Susana Barreiro, Brigite Botequim, Susete Marques, Róbert Sedmák, Róbert Smreček, Yvonne Brodrechtová, Vilis Brukas, Gherardo Chirici, Marco Marchetti, Ralf Moshammer, Peter Biber, Edwin Corrigan, Ljusk Eriksson, Matteo Favero, Emil GalevGeerten Hengeveld, Marius Kavaliauskas, Gintautas Mozgeris, Rudolf Navrátil, Maarten Nieuwenhuis, Ivan Paligorov, Davide Pettenella, Andrius Stanislovaitis, Margarida Tomé, Renats Trubins, Ján Tuček, Matteo Vizzarri, Ida Wallin, Hans Pretzsch, Ola Sallnäs

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

22 Citations (Scopus)


For forest sustainability and vulnerability assessment, the landscape scale is considered to be more and more relevant as the stand level approaches its known limitations. This review, which describes the main forest landscape simulation tools used in the 20 European case studies of the European project “Future-oriented integrated management of European forest landscapes” (INTEGRAL), gives an update on existing decision support tools to run landscape simulation from Mediterranean to boreal ecosystems. The main growth models and software available in Europe are described, and the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches are discussed. Trades-offs between input efforts and output are illustrated. Recommendations for the selection of a forest landscape simulator are given. The paper concludes by describing the need to have tools that are able to cope with climate change and the need to build more robust indicators for assessment of forest landscape sustainability and vulnerability.
Original languageEnglish
Article number599
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • Decision support system
  • Diseases
  • Fire
  • Forest landscape
  • Forest management
  • Forest owner behaviour
  • Indicators
  • Risk evaluation
  • Storm
  • Sustainability
  • Wood resource


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