De Sijsselt : een bijdrage tot de kennis van de Veluwse bosgeschiedenis

J.F. van Oosten Slingeland

Research output: Thesisinternal PhD, WU


Sijsselt Wood, since 1427 part of the Kernhem Estate, was in the 15th century an oak coppice and moorland area, sufficient to supply Kernhem with firewood. The inhabitants of the neighbouring hamlet of Maanen however were of old allowed to graze their sheep and to cut peat in this area. The Sijsselt Moorlands were essential for their farming economy. Sheepfarming prevented all extension of woodlands while the remainder dwindled into thin shrubbery. Conflicts between the Lords of Kernhem and the farmers over their grazing rights were numerous.A general scarcity of timber in Western Europe stimulated forestry in the 18th century. Afforestation of the Sijsselt started in 1769 by planting of oak coppice and planting as well as sowing of Scots pines. Coppice growing was soon stopped but sowing of Scots pines was continued and succesful.Induced by increasing coppice prices and the damage by the caterpillar Panolis flammea Schiff, afforestation with pine retreated to second place about 1850 in favour of oak coppice and beech. But economic conditions were altering: artificial tan was imported; as fuel wood was replaced by coal and oil and the mines asked for pitprops. Growing of oak coppice lost its importance after 1880 and the result was a changeover to pine. Since 1884 pine was sold to the mines. The variety of trees increased after 1900. Beech, red oak and false acacia were replanted.
Original languageDutch
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
Awarding Institution
  • Slicher van Bath, B.H., Promotor, External person
Award date23 May 1958
Place of PublicationWageningen
Publication statusPublished - 23 May 1958


  • forestry
  • forests
  • agricultural history
  • silviculture
  • veluwe
  • gelderland
  • historical ecology

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