title = "De samenstelling van inhouds- en opbrengsttabellen voor Pinus nigra Arn. in Nederland",
keywords = "bosbouw, nederland, bomen, volumetabellen, oogstvoorspelling, opbrengsttabellen, pinus nigra, forestry, netherlands, trees, volume tables, yield forecasting, yield tables, pinus nigra",
author = "P.J. Faber and E.J. Dik",
note = "Met samenvatting o.d.t.: The construction of volume and yield tables for Pinus nigra Arn. in the Netherlands",
year = "1968",
language = "Nederlands",
series = "Uitvoerige verslagen van de Stichting Bosbouwproefstation {"}De Dorschkamp{"}",
publisher = "De Dorschkamp",
number = "no. 9(1)1968",
address = "Netherlands",