title = "De nieuwe optieregeling in de bosbouwvrijstelling : inkomenseffecten voor de particuliere bosbouw",
keywords = "bosbezit, bosbelasting, bosbouw, bossen, inkomen, inkomstenbelasting, nederland, particuliere bosbouw, particulier eigendom, belastingen, boswaardebepaling, forest ownership, forest taxation, forestry, forests, income, income tax, netherlands, private forestry, private ownership, taxes, forest valuation",
author = "J. Luijt and R.A.M. Schrijver and R.N.F. Zuidgeest",
year = "1995",
language = "Nederlands",
isbn = "9789052422992",
series = "Mededeling / Landbouw-Economisch Instituut (LEI-DLO)",
publisher = "LEI",
number = "no. 531",
address = "Netherlands",