title = "De geomorfologische gesteldheid, de bodemgesteldheid en bodemgeschiktheid van het landinrichtingsgebied Raarhoek - Veldhoek",
keywords = "geomorfologie, grondvermogen, ruilverkaveling, landevaluatie, landgebruik, bedrijfsvoering, kaarten, ruimtelijke ordening, plattelandsontwikkeling, plattelandsplanning, bodemgeschiktheid, bodemkarteringen, nederland, overijssel, salland, geomorphology, land capability, land consolidation, land evaluation, land use, management, maps, physical planning, rural development, rural planning, soil suitability, soil surveys, netherlands, overijssel, salland",
author = "A. Scholten and W.B. Kleinsman and G. Rutten",
year = "1986",
language = "Nederlands",
series = "Rapport / Stichting voor Bodemkartering",
publisher = "STIBOKA",
number = "no. 1734",
address = "Netherlands",