De economische ontwikkeling van de Nederlandse landbouw in de negentiende eeuw, 1800 - 1914

J.L. van Zanden

    Research output: Thesisexternal PhD, WU


    The development of agricultural production and productivity is measured and explained with reference to the theories of 'modern economic growth' caused by specialization and technical change (S. Kuznets), and of 'traditional economic growth' induced by population growth (E. Boserup). In the first half of the century a process of 'traditional economic growth' took place; after 1850 this was gradually replaced by a process of 'modern economic growth'. The forces behind this transition are analysed. Special attention is paid to the eastern Netherlands, where a kind of 'peasant economy' was transformed into a modern, market oriented agriculture, a process which had been rather neglected in Dutch historiography. The relation between the modernization of the agricultural sector and changes in the social structure of the countryside is analysed, showing that after 1880 there was a connection between rapid economic growth and an increase in equality.

    Original languageDutch
    QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
    Awarding Institution
    • van der Woude, A.M., Promotor
    • Roessingh, H.K., Promotor, External person
    Award date22 May 1985
    Place of PublicationWageningen
    Print ISBNs9789061944942
    Publication statusPublished - 22 May 1985


    • agriculture
    • economic sectors
    • farm management
    • history
    • netherlands
    • agriculture as branch of economy
    • agricultural history

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