De economische beteekenis van het bosch voor Nederland

A.A.C. Sprangers

    Research output: Thesisinternal PhD, WU


    The history of forests in the Netherlands was described. In more recent times Dutch forests supplied a modest but interesting portion of Dutch timber. They supplied all agricultural timber, stakes and poles for horticultural and agricultural crops, almost all firewood, a third of the pit props and most of the wood for protecting stream banks. Poles had many uses. The wood of the Canadian poplars satisfied the whole need for clog making and for matches, and there was a surplus for export. Secondary uses were important: tannins, bilberries, tree seeds and hunting rents.

    The forests also attracted tourists and were thus of aesthetic and economic value.

    Despite the replacement of forest by agriculture the forest area was being increased by the afforestation of waste lands. The reclamation of waste lands principally for afforestation needed active promotion, although cost had to be considered. Management had to be based on production. Grading and volume measurement of felled timber, culture of Canadian poplar, and the sale of different timbers needed more attention.

    Original languageDutch
    QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
    Awarding Institution
    • te Wechel, A., Promotor, External person
    Award date15 Jun 1933
    Place of PublicationArnhem
    Publication statusPublished - 15 Jun 1933


    • forestry
    • forests
    • economic impact
    • netherlands

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