De bodemgesteldheid van het Oudland van Veurne Ambacht

F.R. Moormann

    Research output: Thesisinternal PhD, WU


    Belgian holocene marine deposits, similar to those in Zeeland, were surveyed. The formation of this area in south-west Belgium was associated with the Atlantic (Old Marine Deposits) and Subatlantic marine transgressions (Duinkerken I-III); in the Subatlantic Period sands and clays were deposited on the surface peat (dating from the Subboreal). The same distinction of the coastal area as in the south-west of the Netherlands could be made along the Belgian coast: Old Land, Middle Land and New Land soil landscapes, each with their own sedimentary and geographical history. Soils were classified according to this sedimentary history (physiography and morphology system), Soil formation in this area was closely correlated with hydrology, which governed decalcification.

    The relation between soils and crop production was studied (mainly field crops), using a method developed by Belgian soil scientists.

    The position of the settlements in relation to agricultural problems was described and measures to improve agriculture (manuring, treatment, drainage) were recommended.

    Original languageDutch
    QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
    Awarding Institution
    • Edelman, C.H., Promotor
    Award date29 Jun 1951
    Place of PublicationGent
    Publication statusPublished - 29 Jun 1951


    • soil formation
    • soil surveys
    • maps
    • stratigraphy
    • history
    • geology
    • rocks
    • sedimentary materials
    • soil science
    • belgium
    • time scales
    • flanders

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