De betekenis van groene zelf-governance : analyse van verschillende vormen van dynamiek in de praktijk

R.I. van Dam, T.J.M. Mattijssen, J. Vader, A.E. Buijs, J.L.M. Donders

Research output: Book/ReportReportProfessional


This study examines practices in which groups of local people (citizens’ initiatives) take the lead in natureconservation and landscape management projects. In three cases studies the significance of green selfgovernancewas examined by studying knock-on effects: the relations with related practices and therelations between practices and structures at the regime level, such as institutional working practices andpolicies. The bonds and dynamics in these relations – between green self-governance practices, betweengreen self-governance practices and related practices, and between green self-governance practices and theregime level – were found to be considerable. The actual level of influence is hard to determine because thedynamics play out within a changing context. An important lesson for the interaction between citizens andgovernment is that both can learn by working together
Original languageDutch
Place of PublicationWageningen
PublisherWOT Natuur & Milieu
Number of pages95
Publication statusPublished - 2016

Publication series

NameWOt-technical report
ISSN (Print)2352-2739


  • nature conservation
  • landscape management
  • social participation
  • participation
  • nature conservation policy

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