Current velocity and macroinvertebrate composition

A.M. Siedlecka, M.W. van den Hoorn, P.F.M. Verdonschot

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterProfessional


Global climate change will likely cause an increase of heavy precipitation events which lead to an increase of peak discharges. As a result the instability of the current velocity in streams increases. The question is whether such disturbances influence aquatic fauna directly by dislocating animals from the streambed and indirectly by flushing out resources or shelters. Conclusion is that current velocity increases which causes dislocation of macroinvertebrates and higher current velocities lead to increasing sediment instability and erosion of the stream bottom
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2007


  • climatic change
  • precipitation
  • aquatic animals
  • dislocations
  • flushing
  • erosion
  • stream erosion
  • sediment
  • aquatic ecology


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