Cropscout film

Wageningen UR Glastuinbouw

Research output: Non-textual formDigital or Visual Products


Cropscout is a small-scale experimental platform for research on sensors for precision agriculture in applications as weed and disease detection, or for soil mapping. Also it serves as a test bed for autonomous robot control algorithms using sensor fusion techniques and artificial intelligence to deal with the variability and uncertainty in the working environment, robots are confronted with when applied in agriculture and horticulture. Cropscout was built on the chassis of a scale-model of a crawler on tracks with the purpose to participate in the Field Robot Event 2004 in Wageningen, The Netherlands. It can navigate between straight and meandering maize rows under dry and wet conditions and it makes headland turns at the end of each row. Besides this, it was programmed to search for (artificial) plants.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherYou Tube
Media of outputOnline
Publication statusPublished - 2013


  • arable farming
  • precision agriculture
  • computer techniques
  • robots
  • outdoor cropping
  • plant diseases
  • sensors
  • field crops
  • detection


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