Corrigendum to: More Than Smell—COVID-19 Is Associated With Severe Impairment of Smell, Taste, and Chemesthesis

Valentina Parma, Kathrin Ohla, Maria G. Veldhuizen, Masha Y. Niv, Christine E. Kelly, Alyssa J. Bakke, Keiland W. Cooper, Cédric Bouysset, Nicola Pirastu, Michele Dibattista, Rishemjit Kaur, Marco Tullio Liuzza, Marta Y. Pepino, Veronika Schöpf, Veronica Pereda-Loth, Shannon B. Olsson, Richard C. Gerkin, Paloma Rohlfs Domínguez, Javier Albayay, Michael C. FarruggiaSurabhi Bhutani, Alexander W. Fjaeldstad, Ritesh Kumar, Anna Menini, Moustafa Bensafi, Mari Sandell, Iordanis Konstantinidis, Antonella Di Pizio, Federica Genovese, Lina Öztürk, Thierry Thomas-Danguin, Johannes Frasnelli, Sanne Boesveldt, Özlem Saatci, Luis R. Saraiva, Cailu Lin, Jérôme Golebiowski, Liang Dar Hwang, Mehmet Hakan Ozdener, Maria Dolors Guàrdia, Christophe Laudamiel, Marina Ritchie, Jan Havlícek, Denis Pierron, Eugeni Roura, Marta Navarro, Alissa A. Nolden, Juyun Lim, Katherine L. Whitcroft, Lauren R. Colquitt, Camille Ferdenzi, Evelyn V. Brindha, Aytug Altundag, Alberto Macchi, Alexia Nunez-Parra, Zara M. Patel, Sébastien Fiorucci, Carl M. Philpott, Barry C. Smith, Johan N. Lundström, Carla Mucignat, Jane K. Parker, Mirjam Van Den Brink, Michael Schmuker, Florian Ph S. Fischmeister, Thomas Heinbockel, Vonnie D.C. Shields, Farhoud Faraji, Enrique Santamaría, William E.A. Fredborg, Gabriella Morini, Jonas K. Olofsson, Maryam Jalessi, Noam Karni, Anna D'Errico, Rafieh Alizadeh, Robert Pellegrino, Pablo Meyer, Caroline Huart, Ben Chen, Graciela M. Soler, Mohammed K. Alwashahi, Antje Welge-Lüssen, Jessica Freiherr, Jasper H.B. De Groot, Hadar Klein, Masako Okamoto, Preet Bano Singh, Julien W. Hsieh, Olagunju Abdulrahman, Pamela Dalton, Carol H. Yan, Vera V. Voznessenskaya, Jingguo Chen, Elizabeth A. Sell, Julie Walsh-Messinger, Nicholas S. Archer, Sachiko Koyama, Vincent Deary, S.C. Roberts, Hüseyin Yanlk, Samet Albayrak, Lenka Martinec Nováková, Ilja Croijmans, Patricia Portillo Mazal, Shima T. Moein, Eitan Margulis, Coralie Mignot, Sajidxa Mariño, Dejan Georgiev, Pavan K. Kaushik, Bettina Malnic, Hong Wang, Shima Seyed-Allaei, Nur Yoluk, Sara Razzaghi-Asl, Jeb M. Justice, Diego Restrepo, Danielle R. Reed, Thomas Hummel, Steven D. Munger, John E. Hayes

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/Letter to the editorAcademic


This is a correction notice for article bjaa041 (DOI: https://, published 20 June 2020. An incorrect version of the caption to Figure 5 was mistakenly included in the published paper. An updated version is given below. Neither the data nor the paper's conclusions were affected by this correction. The authors sincerely apologize for the error. (A) Correlations between the 3 principal components with respect to changes in 3 chemosensory modalities (i.e., taste, smell, and chemesthesis). Shades of gray indicate positive correlation, whereas shades of red indicate negative correlations. White denotes no correlation. (B) Clusters of participants identified by k-means clustering. The scatterplot shows each participant's loading on dimension 1 (degree of smell and taste loss, PC1 on x-Axis) and dimension 2 (degree of chemesthesis loss, PC2 on y-Axis). Based on the centroid of each cluster, participants in cluster 1 (blue, N = 1767; top left) are generally characterized by significant smell, taste and chemesthesis loss. Participants in cluster 2 (orange, N = 1724; bottom center) are generally characterized by ratings that reflect smell/taste loss with preserved chemesthesis. Loadings for participants in cluster 3 (green, N = 548; right side) are generally characterized by reduced smell and taste loss, and preserved chemesthesis.

Original languageEnglish
Article numberbjab050
JournalChemical Senses
Publication statusPublished - 8 Dec 2021


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  • More Than Smell-COVID-19 Is Associated With Severe Impairment of Smell, Taste, and Chemesthesis

    Parma, V., Ohla, K., Veldhuizen, M. G., Niv, M. Y., Kelly, C. E., Bakke, A. J., Cooper, K. W., Bouysset, C., Pirastu, N., Dibattista, M., Kaur, R., Liuzza, M. T., Pepino, M. Y., Schöpf, V., Pereda-Loth, V., Olsson, S. B., Gerkin, R. C., Rohlfs Domínguez, P., Albayay, J. & Farruggia, M. C. & 31 others, Bhutani, S., Fjaeldstad, A. W., Kumar, R., Menini, A., Bensafi, M., Sandell, M., Konstantinidis, I., Di Pizio, A., Genovese, F., Öztürk, L., Thomas-Danguin, T., Frasnelli, J., Boesveldt, S., Saatci, Ö., Saraiva, L. R., Lin, C., Golebiowski, J., Hwang, L. D., Ozdener, M. H., Guàrdia, M. D., Laudamiel, C., Ritchie, M., Havlícek, J., Pierron, D., Roura, E., Navarro, M., Nolden, A. A., Lim, J., Whitcroft, K. L., Colquitt, L. R. & Hayes III, J. E., 9 Oct 2020, In: Chemical Senses. 45, 7, p. 609-622 14 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

    Open Access
    352 Citations (Scopus)

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