Corridors for LIFE; ecological network analysis for Cheshire County (UK)

T. van der Sluis, R.G.H. Bunce, H. Kuipers, J. Dirksen

    Research output: Book/ReportReportAcademic


    This report gives the result of an analysis of the ecological network, designed for the agricultural plains of Cheshire. Five ecosystem types were selected: meres and mosses, heathland, wetland and rivers, woodland, and grassland,. Species were selected which can be considered representative for these ecosystems. The model LARCH was used to assess whether these ecosystems still function as an ecological network. An ecological network, a `scenario' was designed, which should be seen as a minimum scenario. It was tested with LARCH in how far the situation would improve for the selected indicator species. Through the implementation of the scenario good opportunities are created, especially for long-range species. Habitat is most limiting for meres and mosses and heathland. Species most vulnerable to fragmentation, even after implementation of the scenario, are the less mobile species, such as water vole, common lizard, green hairstreak and common blue. Specific de-fragmentation measures are important for those species. The approach used here, based on an analysis with OS MasterMap, can be applied elsewhere in the UK.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationWageningen
    Number of pages71
    Publication statusPublished - 2003

    Publication series

    ISSN (Print)1566-7197


    • ecology
    • landscape ecology
    • models
    • network analysis
    • rehabilitation
    • physical planning
    • habitats
    • uk
    • nature
    • ecological network


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