Contribution of a straw bedding to digestible nutrient intake of pigs fed diets based on either native or pregelatinized potato starch

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12 Citations (Scopus)


In a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement, 16 groups of 12 pigs were assigned to one of two housing systems (straw bedding, S vs. Barren, B) and to one of two starch types (native, N vs. pregelatinized potato starch, P, each included at 35%) to study effects on apparent faecal digestible nutrient intakes. Intake of straw from bedding material was estimated, using several markers, and results are discussed. Straw intake of the S-pigs was estimated between 143 and 234 g DM/d for P-pigs and between 96 and 156 g DM/d for N-pigs, depending on the method used. Nutrient digestibility was reduced in N-pigs when compared with P-pigs. Intake of digestible dry matter, energy, starch and ADF was increased in S-pigs, but the intake of digestible protein was reduced. Despite greatly reduced nutrient digestibility in S-pigs, additional digestible nutrient intake due to housing on a straw bedding can be considerable.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)104-107
JournalLivestock Science
Issue number1-3
Publication statusPublished - 2007


  • growing pigs
  • physical-activity


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