title = "Consumentenonderzoek naar biologische produkten : hoe het marktaandeel vergroot kan worden",
abstract = "The consumer attitude towards organic farming and organic food is investigated. Objects of research were: knowledge of organic farming, perception of organic food, the influence of socio-economical characteristics, motivation to buy or not to buy and market dynamics",
keywords = "alternatieve landbouw, marktconcurrentie, marketing, markten, nederland, biologische landbouw, koopgewoonten, winkelen, aanbodsevenwicht, biologisch-dynamische landbouw, alternative farming, market competition, marketing, markets, netherlands, organic farming, purchasing habits, shopping, supply balance, biodynamic farming",
author = "T. Baggerman and M.D. Hack",
year = "1992",
language = "Nederlands",
isbn = "9789052421667",
series = "Mededeling / Landbouw-Economisch Instituut",
publisher = "LEI",
number = "463",
address = "Netherlands",