Construction of an integrated map of rose with AFLP, SSR, PK, RGA, SCAR and morphological markers

Z. Yan Zifu, C. Denneboom, A. Hattendorf, O. Dolstra, T. Debener, P. Stam, P.B. Visser

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

112 Citations (Scopus)


A high-density genetic map with a number of anchor markers has been created to be used as a tool to dissect genetic variation in rose. Linkage maps for the diploid 94/1 population consisting of 88 individuals were constructed using a total of 520 molecular markers including AFLP, SSR, PK, RGA, RFLP, SCAR and morphological markers. Seven linkage groups, putatively corresponding to the seven haploid rose chromosomes, were identified for each parent, spanning 487 cM and 490 cM, respectively. The average length of 70 cM may cover more than 90% of the rose genome. An integrated map was constructed by incorporating the homologous parental linkage groups, resulting in seven linkage groups with a total length of 545 cM. The present linkage map is currently the most advanced map in rose with regard to marker density, genome coverage and with robust markers, giving good perspectives for QTL mapping and marker-assisted breeding in rose. The SSR markers, together with RFLP markers, provide good anchor points for future map alignment studies in rose and related species. Codominantly scored AFLP markers were helpful in the integration of the parental maps.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)766-777
JournalTheoretical and Applied Genetics
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2005


  • disease resistance genes
  • linkage map
  • pto-like
  • identification
  • sequence
  • tomato
  • maize
  • arabidopsis
  • populations
  • blackspot


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