title = "Consequences of WindSpeed scenarios for other sea use functions",
abstract = "Offshore wind energy can significantly contribute to the sustainable energy mix of Europe. However, competing usage of the sea, cost and grid barriers are important challenges to overcome. The Windspeed project, funded bij DG Energy and Transport under Intelligent Energy for Europe (IEE) programme, assists in overcoming those obstacle's and sets realistic targets for 2030 together with a development pathway (roadmap). The roadmap will identify suitable areas for offshore wind deployment. The Windspeed study area consist of the Central and Southern North Sea bounded by Belgium, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and the United Kingdom.",
keywords = "windmolens, parken, duurzame energie, windenergie, noordzee, offshore, nutfunctie, windmills, parks, sustainable energy, wind power, north sea, offshore, utility functions",
author = "{van der Wal}, J.T. and S.T. Glorius and R.H. Jongbloed",
year = "2011",
language = "English",
series = "Report / IMARES Wageningen UR",
publisher = "IMARES",
number = "C035/11",
address = "Netherlands",