Comprendre et agir : Diagnostic agronomique et modélisation d'accompagnement pour limiter le risque d'érosion dans un bassin versant montagnard subtropical.

Guy Trébuil*, Cécile Barnaud, Philippe Bousquet, Francis Turkelboom, A. van Paassen

*Corresponding author for this work

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Understand and act: Agronomic diagnosis and companion modelling to limit soil erosion risk in a subtropical mountain catchment An on-farm agronomic survey was carried out, at the field, farm and catchment levels, to understand the dynamics of the risk of soil erosion in a watershed displaying a rapid diversification of cropping systems and differentiation of family farms. The results were integrated into a researcher agent-based model linked to a geographic information system to represent dynamically the combined impacts of topography, rainfall and technical practices on erosion risk and its spatial distribution. A simpler version of this model was implemented as a role-playing game associated to Comprendre et agir: Diagnostic agronomique et modélisation d’accompagnement pour limiter le risque d’érosion dans un bassin versant montagnard subtropical Trébuil Guy* 1 , Barnaud Cécile2 , Bousquet François3 , Promburom Panomsak4 , Turkelboom Francis5 , van Paassen Annemarie6 1 CIRAD, UMR Innovation, F-34398 Montpellier, France & Innovation, Univ. Montpellier, CIRAD, INRAE, Montpellier SupAgro, Montpellier, France 2 DYNAFOR, Université de Toulouse, INPT, INRAE, Toulouse, France 3 CIRAD, UMR SENS, F-34398 Montpellier, France & SENS, Univ. Montpellier, CIRAD, IRD, Univ. Paul Valéry, Montpellier, France 4 Center of Agricultural Resource System Research, Chiang Mai University, 50200 Thailand 5 Research Institute for Nature and Forest INBO, Kliniekstraat 25, 1070Brussels, Belgique 6Communication and Innovation, Wageningen University and Research Center, Pays-Bas *Auteur correspondant : [email protected] Revue AE&S 11-2 Quelles démarches cliniques en agronomie dans les territoires Décembre 2021 Revue à comité de lecture et en accès libre éditée par l’Association Française d’Agronomie sous le numéro ISSN 1775-4240. Plus d’informations sur L’AFA est une association à but non lucratif qui publie des travaux en accès libre. Pour soutenir cette démarche, faites connaître AE&S, adhérez à l’association et faites adhérer votre organisme et vos collègues ! 2 a second agent-based model playing the game in silico, to share the researchers’ point of view on soil erosion dynamics to local farmers. They found these simulation tools relevant and Companion Modelling (ComMod) activities where launched with them to stimulate exchanges of experiences, build a shared diagnosis of the problem, and encourage collective action to limit soil degradation and the vulnerability of resource-poor holdings. The successive cycles of ComMod activities necessitated to complete the initial agronomic diagnosis by examining a series of farmer selected key questions. Gradually, local stakeholders moved towards directions not yet proposed by development agencies. The activities produced multiple effects related to awareness, self confidence and communication, learning, change in practices and self-organization. The limited durations of successive training projects were not adapted to accompany local actors up to collective action at the catchment level, but new irrigation water and farm product processing infrastructures emerged a few years later in the village. The institutionalization of the approach would allow a more continuous companionship, facilitate the dissemination of results, and a move towards a more distributed governance of renewable resources. Keywords: Agronomic survey, multi-agent model, role-playing game, participatory simulation, Thailand
Original languageFrench
JournalAgronomie Environnement & Societés
Publication statusPublished - 31 Dec 2021

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