Competence-based VET as seen by Dutch researchers

R. Wesselink, H.J.A. Biemans, M. Mulder, E. van den Elsen

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The concept of competence is increasingly the basis for (re)designing VET. In competence-based VET academic disciplines are no longer starting points for curriculum development. Competence needed for working in practice, however, is. Competence-based learning is a dominant trend in VET in several countries because of fewer expected problems in the transition from school to work. In this study, by means of a focus group session and a Delphi study, a model for competence-based VET is developed. It has been constructed by Dutch researchers and can help VET institutions develop competence-based learning.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)38-51
JournalEuropean Journal of Vocational Training
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2007


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