Comparison of climate and production in closed, semi-closed and open greenhouses

T. Qian, J.A. Dieleman, A. Elings, A. de Gelder, L.F.M. Marcelis, O. van Kooten

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference paperAcademicpeer-review

    45 Citations (Scopus)


    A (semi-)closed greenhouse is a novel greenhouse with an active cooling system and temporary heat storage in an aquifer. Air is cooled, heated and dehumidified by air treatment units. Climate in (semi-)closed greenhouses differs from that of conventional open greenhouses. The aims of our research were first, to analyze the effect of active cooling on greenhouse climate, in terms of stability, gradient and average levels; second, to determine crop growth and production in closed and semi-closed greenhouses. An experiment with tomato crop was conducted from December 2007 until November 2008 in a closed greenhouse with 700 W m-2 cooling capacity, two semi-closed greenhouses with 350 and 150 W m-2 cooling capacity, respectively, and an open greenhouse. The higher the cooling capacity, the more independent the greenhouse climate was of the outside climate. As the cooling ducts were placed underneath the plants, cooling led to a remarkable vertical temperature gradient. Under sunny conditions temperature could be 5°C higher at the top than at the bottom of the canopy in the closed greenhouse. Cumulative production in the semi-closed greenhouses with 350 and 150 W m-2 cooling capacity were 10% (61 kg m-2) and 6% (59 kg m-2) higher than that in the open greenhouse (55 kg m-2), respectively. Cumulative production in the closed greenhouse was 14% higher than in the open greenhouse in week 29 after planting but at the end of the experiment the cumulative increase was only 4% due to botrytis. Model calculations showed that the production increase in the closed and semi-closed greenhouses was explained by higher CO2 concentration
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the International Symposium on High Technology for Greenhouse Systems: GreenSys2009, Québec City, Canada, 14-19 June 2009
    EditorsM. Dorais
    ISBN (Print)9789066050471
    Publication statusPublished - 2011
    EventInternational Symposium on High Technology for Greenhouse Systems: GreenSys2009, Québec City, Canada -
    Duration: 14 Jun 200919 Jun 2009


    Conference/symposiumInternational Symposium on High Technology for Greenhouse Systems: GreenSys2009, Québec City, Canada


    • CO 2 concentration
    • Cooling capacity
    • Production
    • Temperature
    • Tomato
    • Vapour pressure deficit
    • Vertical temperature gradient


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