Comparing population recovery after insecticide exposure for four aquatic invertebrate species using models of different complexity

H. Baveco, S. Norman, I. Roessink, N.G. Galic, P.J. van den Brink

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

15 Citations (Scopus)


Population models, in particular individual-based models (IBMs), are becoming increasingly important in chemical risk assessment. They can be used to assess recovery of spatially structured populations after chemical exposure that varies in time and space. The authors used an IBM coupled to a toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic model, the threshold damage model (TDM), to assess recovery times for 4 aquatic organisms, after insecticide application, in a nonseasonal environment and in 3 spatial settings (pond, stream, and ditch). The species had different life histories (e.g., voltinism, reproductive capacity, mobility). Exposure was derived from a pesticide fate model, following standard European Union scenarios. The results of the IBM-TDM were compared with results from simpler models: one in which exposure was linked to effects by means of concentration-effect relationships (IBM-CE) and one in which the IBM was replaced by a nonspatial, logistic growth model (logistic). For the first, exposure was based on peak concentrations only; for the second, exposure was spatially averaged as well. By using comparisons between models of different complexity and species with different life histories, the authors obtained an understanding of the role spatial processes play in recovery and the conditions under which the full time-varying exposure needs to be considered. The logistic model, which is amenable to an analytic approach, provided additional insights into the sensitivity of recovery times to density dependence and spatial dimensions.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1517-1528
JournalEnvironmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 2014


  • ecological risk-assessment
  • competition delays recovery
  • individual-based model
  • potential application
  • pesticides
  • dynamics
  • chemicals
  • chlorpyrifos
  • ecosystems
  • arthropod


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