Comments on the paper by Brynes and Weber Residues of veterinary drugs and mycotoxins in animal products. New methods for risk assessment and quality control

H.A. Kuiper

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference paperAcademic

Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Title of host publicationProc. of the Teleconference held on Internet, April 15 - August 15, 1994. Eds. Enne G., H.A. Kuiper, A. Valentini, Wageningen Pers, 1996, p 25, ISBN 90-74134-27-0 Kuiper, H.A. In vitro toxicological studies and real time analysis of residues in food FLAIR concerted action no. 8. Reports of exchange visits 1993/1994. ISBN 90-5601-012-3
Publication statusPublished - 1996

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