Combine nicely, consume wisely: The role of single food properties in oral processing behavior, intake and sensory perception of composite foods

Research output: Thesisinternal PhD, WU


Consumers frequently combine two or more single foods within one bite; for example bread with spread or vegetables with dressing. Such food pairings are called composite foods. This research investigates the effects of food properties on oral processing behavior, intake and sensory perception of composite foods.

Results show that eating behavior of composite foods can be modified by relatively small changes in single food properties. In addition, sensory perception of composite foods is complex, as interactions between foods in mouth imply significant changes in sensory perception. Consequently, consumer sensitivity to discriminate between foods is reduced when a food is assessed together with an accompanying food.

This thesis provides new insights into how structural transitions of foods contribute to intake and perception of composite foods. This is of particular interest in the design of healthy or environmentally friendly foods, in which assuring excellent sensory quality still poses a challenge.

Original languageEnglish
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
Awarding Institution
  • Wageningen University
  • Fogliano, Vincenzo, Promotor
  • Stieger, Markus, Promotor
  • Scholten, Elke, Co-promotor
Award date19 Jun 2020
Place of PublicationWageningen
Print ISBNs9789463953467
Publication statusPublished - 19 Jun 2020


  • Cum laude


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