Collaborative governance of a peri‐urban enclave: how a farm became nature and citizen oriented

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference paperProfessional


    This paper is about peri‐urban farmers who turned the threat of the city into an opportunity, by collaborating with a wide range of stakeholders, and by developing a strategy aimed at delivering ecosystem services. This way, they made their farm too important to be converted into a residential area or urban park. Although citizen involvement with the farm has grown, involvement of governmental actors has dwindled as soon as collaborative action was achieved. This paper makes a plea for learning in addition to action.1 Keywords – collaborative governance, peri‐urban farming, ecosystem services, farming for nature
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationSecond International Conference on Agriculture in an Urbanizing Society Reconnecting Agriculture and Food Chains to Societal Needs
    Publication statusPublished - 2015
    Eventagriculture in an urbanizing society: Second international conference, Reconnecting agriculture and food chains to social needs - Rome, Italy
    Duration: 14 Sept 201517 Sept 2015


    Conferenceagriculture in an urbanizing society
    Abbreviated titleAGURB2015
    Internet address


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