Co-culture of primary rat hepatocytes with rat liver epithelial cells enhances interleukin-6-induced acute-phase protein response

S.J.A.C. Peters, T. Vanhaecke, P. Papeleu, V. Rogiers, H.P. Haagsman, K. van Norren

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31 Citations (Scopus)


Three different primary rat hepatocyte culture methods were compared for their ability to allow the secretion of fibrinogen and albumin under basal and IL-6- stimulated conditions. These culture methods comprised the co-culture of hepatocytes with rat liver epithelial cells (CCRLEC), a collagen type I sandwich culture (SW) and a conventional primary hepatocyte monolayer culture (ML). Basal albumin secretion was most stable over time in SW. Fibrinogen secretion was induced by IL-6 in all cell culture models. Compared with ML, CC-RLEC showed an almost three-fold higher fibrinogen secretion under both control and IL-6-stimulated conditions. Induction of fibrinogen release by IL-6 was lowest in SW. Albumin secretion was decreased after IL-6 stimulation in both ML and CC-RLEC. Thus, cells growing under the various primary hepatocyte cell culture techniques react differently to IL-6 stimulation with regard to acute-phase protein secretion. CC-RLEC is the preferred method for studying cytokine-mediated induction of acute-phase proteins, because of the pronounced stimulation of fibrinogen secretion upon IL-6 exposure under these conditions.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)451-457
JournalCell and Tissue Research
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2010


  • adult human hepatocytes
  • long-term culture
  • reference distributions
  • hepatoma-cells
  • collagen-gel
  • large cohort
  • in-vitro
  • inflammation
  • albumin
  • serum


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