Co-creation of solutions by generating partnerships between civil society organisations and knowledge institutions. Examples from the Wageningen UR shop

D.J. Stobbelaar, H. Hoofwijk

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference paperProfessional

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publication5th Living Knowledge conference 2012 on Re-imagining research relationships : co-creating knowledge in a democratic society : proceedings & handbook, Bonn, Germany, 10-12-May 2012
    EditorsN. Steinhaus, M. Shields
    Place of PublicationBonn, Germany
    PublisherInternational Science Shop
    Publication statusPublished - 2012
    Event5th Living Knowledge conference 2012, Bonn, Germany -
    Duration: 10 May 201212 May 2012


    Conference/symposium5th Living Knowledge conference 2012, Bonn, Germany

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